Saturday, July 12, 2008

13 July 2008

Marilyn is feeling a little better following her "unfortunate altercation" with the bathroom countertop and floor. Her lips are healing nicely (hopefully no more pureed chicken stew) and the bridge of her nose is yellowing a little as the bruise goes away. She is still sore and her face hurts when she tries to apply creams and stuff. But she claims to have had no hot flashes since the fall. Marilyn's hoping it's not just a temporary thing. (She'll have to tell you if the whole thing was worth it.) She hasn't been out of the apartment for five days ... we'll have to do something about that.
The sky is blue here for two days in a row. I'm sure the powers-that-be will take all of the credit for it.
I'm looking forward to visiting the U.S. in December. Other than seeing those of you we can, I really don't miss anything else. I'm not really excited about being inundated with Christmas decorations and music in stores and malls.
I'm also looking forward to the new school year and the kids I'll have in class. I'm especially looking forward to teaching His Word to them. Next week, assuming Marilyn is better, I'll spend time in the classroom re-assembling it after the crews painted everything. I like deciding on the posters and such that I'll make and put on the walls. Then there'll be a trip to the plant market for half a dozen hanging plants and to the furniture market to buy a sofa (something really gaudy) for the kids to lounge on.
The Lord is, as always, very good to us. With the exception of her "unfortunate altercation", we are healthy and the summer is becoming a relaxing time.
A young woman attorney asked me at English Corner on Friday night what my life goals were ... did I want a lot of money, to travel, etc? I told her that there were different categories:
a) to be the best man, husband, father, grandfather (#12 enroute) and friend possible;
b) to be content with life and the things that happen;
c) to do the things that, when I see my Jesus face-to-face, will bring a smile to His face and allow Him to say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant".
I explained that much of my life was spent chasing other things, spending my energies with other attitudes, and selfishness. Now, I try to keep my eyes on Heaven as I anticipate that at anytime I will see Him. I also explained that I am not perfect and make many mistakes on any given day but that He loves me and forgives me and only wants (and offers) the best for my life ... now and after death. She was very attentive ... pray for her, her English name is Sunny.
Later y'all,
In His Name


Tim said...

Praise the Lord for your faithfulness and how He is using you in China. We pray for you often - especially those two little girls who live with us.
We look forward to your visit in December... and Tim is with you... he'd rather not have the Christmas tree and decorations, etc. I'm not sure you have me convinced, though. :) We love you guys!

memawliz said...

This is aunt Liz
Just got this blog thing today. Sheryl told me how. I wanted to let you know I pray for you. I have been seriously ill since Nov. 3, 2006. I have been in the hospital five times. My liver is now in failure. I hope to be put on the transplant list soon if I am not healed. Lots of people are praying for me.
The reason for Memaw Liz is for Kevin's little boy. Kevin is now a single dad and is stationed in Cuba. He couldn't take anyone with him and the baby's mother left over a year ago. Pray for me! We both love and pray for you