Friday, April 25, 2008

I haven't forgotten ...

... to write this yet. It's just that for the last few days I haven't really had anything to say. Today the temperature is about 70 again with a wind which can grind you to a complete halt when it gusts in your face. (It did!) (That's a weird feeling!)
Dropped by the clinic today and, as usual, there is a new doctor there temporarily. Got my blood pressure medication renewed and then we got to talking about my ankle. He is the only doctor in twenty years who has offered to look at it specifically and refer me to a specialist. He pointed out four guys who might be able to help, but the fifth one on his list specializes in orthopedic pain. He told me to avoid getting my hopes up for a resolution, but at least they can look at my ankle anyway.
It's Marilyn's birthday. She is a very special lady. She gave up a lot (all of you) to follow me here for what will soon be five years. Thank you, darlin'!
We're excited John and Bethany are coming for two weeks in June.
We're excited about Tim and Allyson's fourth coming in November.
We're excited about going to Heaven.
Later ...

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