Monday, April 28, 2008

Some days are more grueling than others ...

Today and tomorrow are teacher workdays; working on curriculum guides ... please don't ask ... for your own good. "Never ask a question if you can't stand the answer."
Yesterday we had a picnic at the water park with some local university students. The weather was great. (Spring is wonderful here, just short.) They are a fun group. We ate different foods, rode the electric bumper cars and won a toy monkey keychain for Marilyn by popping balloons with darts. The 8 of us got a lot of stares as we walked around and ate lunch on the grass. A little old lady employed by the park to sweep the sidewalks and pick up trash was very impressed by our work to clean up after ourselves. She did insist on taking one bag of trash for us. She didn't use the same trash can I did ... perhaps she wanted to examine the bag to see what we'd been up to. A couple of the girls had bought Marilyn a helium balloon (SpongeBob SquarePants) which they tied to the back of her bicycle as she rode home. Cute! Marilyn, not SpongeBob!
Saturday was the school carnival. My group of students sponsored a water balloon booth. People could stand there and hit each other for 2 RmB (28 cents) or me for 5 RmB (70 cents). We sold about 600 balloons in 3 hours. I was pretty wet at times, but students get pretty nervous chuckin' water balloons at teachers ... even when they're paying and can't get in trouble. We made a pretty good spectacle of ourselves in front of the migrant workers reworking the street out front of the school.
In a few minutes we'll have a staff appreciation dinner. Man, it's hard to believe we've been here 5 years already.
This morning over coffee, Marilyn and I were reminiscing about the time we've been together. As she looked around our apartment, she mentioned that house on Ferngrove in Antioch and then looked at me (with tongue in cheek, of course) and asked, "Why did you say 'Yes' to the Lord?"
Later, y'all

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